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Liberation and Youcat02

Student: Master, what is liberation? Does it apply to everyone? Master: When you can liberate yourself from your angry thoughts, this is…

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To Be Like Watercat05

Lao Zu, an ancient Chinese philosopher once stated thus: "the greatest good is to be like water." This saying I have found most helpful in everyday life…

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Open Mind

It is necessary to open your mind in order to understand phenomena and your purpose in life. The Mind is formless, but it can manifest phenomena. A different state of mind will create different phenomena. So,…

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What can you count on?cat04

When life brings challenges, what can you count on for support? Can you get relief from a good book, some sight-seeing, or visit a park? Do you need to "talk it out" or "numb it out"? Can some food or music do the trick or maybe a pill or two? Perhaps a massage too. Maybe what you need is really just one good thought - you need to think it through and make sense of it. Maybe your religion or personal philosophy of life…

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What is your next thought?cat04

Do you know what it will be? Is it your decision? Don't try to answer this mentally. Let's just experiment now½ Keep your mind very steady and free of all concerns and wait for the next idea/thought to pop in. ½½ ½½ What thought came in? Clearly you did not consciously think it since you just wait for it. So where did this thought come from? If not you, then who?

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