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One day Master asked the abbot, "How you understand the saying 'Missed by a hair-width, separated like Heaven and Earth'?" The abbot said, "Missed by a hair-width, separated like Heaven and Earth." Master: "How can you attain enlightenment with this kind of understanding?" Abbot: "Then how do you Master understand it?" Master: "Missed by a hair-width, separated like Heaven and Earth." Abbot makes a bow. ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶…
If our lives have difficulties in our relationships and other situations, it indicates that we are tied down by habitual thought patterns. So, we must open up a better reality. First, though, we must open our…
In Buddhism, there is the teaching of karma. It is often explained like the financial system - if you take from someone, you have to pay back. If you have given to someone in the past, then he or she will pay you back. Such understanding of karma is based on fear and greed. On one hand if life demands a lot from you, then you call that a bad or heavy karma; if situation and people tend to accommodate or favor you, then…
From Zen Master Miao Tsan, "True liberation is the ability to remain in a state of complete freedom in the midst of impermanence. It is the ability to live in this changing world from an unchanging oneness of mind and matter. In…
No event in any external situation can affect your negatively unless you allow it to. Situations bother you because you generate restless thoughts based on habitual patterns.…