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Look Withincat02

No event in any external situation can affect your negatively unless you allow it to. Situations bother you because you generate restless thoughts based on habitual patterns.…

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Dong-Po's poem went eastward of the rivercat03

Dong-Po's poem went eastward of the river, Li Bai drank to the spirit in the Moon; Kicking over Men in front of the Huang-He Pagoda, Foot ache has remained to this very day.      

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What is Nirvana?cat02

The present moment is the Nirvana. Phenomena appear and disappear over and over. Ask yourself, what left?If you follow the phenomena, they are chaos. If you do not follow the phenomena, this is the Nirvana. If you follow the phenomena…

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Student: How to maintain mindfulness in the day? Master: If you want to practice mindfulness, try to create different calmness in mind.…

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Face the Reality

If someone spills juice on you, how will you handle it? If it is dirty, you only have to clean it. Nothing could be simpler. Most people react emotionally, but it is more important to face the root…

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