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Time to Practice!cat04

Master Miao Tsan in his upcoming book The Origin is Pure wrote: Whenever you feel stranded by external environment, in reality you are trapped by your internal thoughts. Do you recognize this truth in your own life? Can you identify the internal thought and let it go? It's time to practice!!  

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Learn From Mistake

Face the truth within you, so you can transform your karma. Every obstacle that manifests in our life is simply a reflection of our inner stagnation. When we use our mind improperly, we create karma that leads to suffering.…

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Is this a habitual thought?

Just completed this morning Zen-Seven Retreat at the monastery and over lunch, a few fellow practitioners and I came up with a question: "How do you know if a thought is a habitual thought or a wondering thought instead of a pure thought?" Our answer is: "You must know from where the thought arise. If you do, then it is a pure thought. If you don't, then it is habitual thought." What is your answer?

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Do you sleep well?cat04

Have you noticed how a child live? She plays hard, cries out loud, enjoys each and every moment without hang ups and inhibitions. She never holds grudge against your moods and attachments, and she lets bygones be bygones. She has no judgments or label on people or things. She is at peace within herself. And when the day is done, we say good night, she sleeps deep and sweet. Are you at peace? Can you hold your emotions in…

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Tensions in Meditationcat02

Student:  Master, when I meditate, I have tensions in my body. What should I do? Master: The practice of meditation is…

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