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Two Realities?cat02

Student: What is dualistic thinking? Master: In every single moment, we live with two realities. Based on our self-attachment…

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At Peace with Meditationcat01

With modern research techniques, the concept of meditation in the minds of the western world has moved so far beyond the 1970s crunchy stereotype that medical practitioners are wholeheartedly recommending it to their patients, both for wellness and for healing.…

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Mind and Emptinesscat03

Just when the Mind functions, There is no mind to function with, Without intent, the Mind simply functions, Functioning just in emptiness.        

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Minding My Mannerscat05

The Mind is both the entry to life as well as the exit for all our problems. So to change our life and resolve out problems, we must start with the Mind--the source of all phenomena--by changing our thoughts.* Recently, I caught myself whining that my children were not using particularly nice table manners.…

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New Yearcat01

Last Sunday is Chinese New Year, Chinese all over the world was celebrating this day. But what is new? what is old? Every moment is new, as master taught us "all the phenomenon generate and disappear at the same exact moment; that is the universal truth of impermanent!" So Every moment is new and every moment is leaving us right now too. You may say then there is nothing to celebrate; but why don't we look at it in a positive…

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