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Very Difficult and Very Easycat05

Abbot's Words of Wisdom: Zen practice is very difficult, but also very easy. If you always look at others it is very difficult, if you always…

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Set Yourself Freecat02

Who or what ties you down? Only your attachments do. No one else forces you to feel the way you have. Only your habitual thought pattern does. We present ourselves through our habitual thought patterns. The thoughts and actions of all our moments arise from those habitual thought patterns. So, in order to be free you must get rid of your prejudicial, fixed thought patterns. ~ by Zen Master Miao Tsan

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Event: New Book Launch in Los Angles, CAcat02

Please join Venerable Master Miao Tsan for conversation and refreshments, to share ideas for future events, and to celebrate the official launch of his new book Just Use This Mind Date: January 15, 2011, 2:00PM - 4:00PM Place:…

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Overlapping Onenesscat02

Student: When a person creates phenomenon, people around the person also create phenomenon, right?  Can phenomenon created by other people related to…

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Flexible Mind Leads to Realitycat02

Most of the time, we are occupied by our own judgment. We define the person we see and circumstances we encountered. We live in our own definition. Sad but true. Master Miao Tsan in his new book tells a Koan (story) to let us know why we are who we are and…

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