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Rely on Wisdom, not Discriminationcat04

Instead of using my discriminating mind to explain this teaching, it is far more interesting present a Zen koan that helps us see the meaning of wisdom and discrimination. One day a monk came to visit a Zen master. He asked, "Master, what is the mysterious way of the Buddha?" "Please don't say that I understand Buddha dharma." The master replied. "But what if I have questions?" "Why don't you ask me?" "I just did!" The…

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I have been rude!cat04

A monk came to Master Pu-An to test his realization. Immediately Master Pu-An hit the monk with a staff, and the monk stepped forward and grabbed it. Master said, "I have been rude!" The monk then took the staff and hit Master Pu-An instead. Master said to the monk, "You are really good, really good!" The monk then bowed to the Master and the Master stopped him. "This time you are rude." Master said. The monk laughed out-loud.…

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Hunger and satisfactioncat01

I read the wisdom of the week of this week  "Just as intellectual discussion about food cannot satisfy hunger, wisdom cannot come from outside oneself."  Hunger has been the driven factor for human being for a long time, and the basic level of surviving nutrition has been…

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How to Find Happiness?cat02

Everyone is looking for happiness. But do we really know what is happiness and/or how to find it? The new book, just use this mind, written by Zen Master Miao Tsan has a sounding explanation for it. "The most important issue today is the over-emphasis of materi­alistic pursuits. The thought that brings…

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Hobby vs Practicecat02

Student: Should I put down my hobby once I become a Zen practitioner? Master: People think they need to put down their hobbies, attachments,…

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