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Seeing the situation is seeing your mindcat01

        "Seeing the situation you are in is seeing the manifestation of your mind. No one else but yourself to blame thus take the full credit or responsibility. " This is the…

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A Master's Blessingcat02

Once a Zen master was invited to bless a grandfather's birthday celebration. The Master wrote, "Grandfather dies, father dies; son dies, grandson dies." The grandfather was very upset by this…

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Cause and Effectcat04

Problems do not exist before you think, they appear afterward. If this moment is truly honored as it is - you will see that all is well. The moment you give the tiniest room for thinking, problems will come back. So you say if I don't think about a problem, how can I solve it? Solutions do not come from thinking, in fact, it appears when you naturally respond to a situation as it presents itself. Is thinking useful at all…

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Six Sensescat02

Student: Master, how do the six senses come from? Master: Every single person possesses a mind.  The mind knows everything and manifests…

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What can you count on?cat04

When life brings challenges, what can you count on for support? Can you get relief from a good book, some sight-seeing, or visit a park? Do you need to "talk it out" or "numb it out"? Can some food or music do the trick or maybe a pill or two? Perhaps a massage too. Maybe what you need is really just one good thought - you need to think it through and make sense of it. Maybe your religion or personal philosophy of life…

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