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Hobby vs Practicecat02

Student: Should I put down my hobby once I become a Zen practitioner? Master: People think they need to put down their hobbies, attachments,…

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The one who wants enlightenmentcat04

People want enlightenment, but it is more accurate to say that what they want is to know the person who wants enlightenment. Do not see enlightenment as a kind of experience, otherwise it will not have much meaning. Like any experience, it will go away. And you are left with nothing. If you know who wants enlightenment then you also know who suffered, and then you also know who caused the suffering. Now you can finally do…

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Change Thoughts, Change Lifecat02

A sounding wisdom from Master Miao Tsan that will change your life - "We all judge our experiences through the filter of habitual thinking. In other words, we are unconsciously driven by how we think, and how we think determines the feelings and opinions we…

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Karma is created by each thought the mind generates, If you focus on the right practice, your karma can be changed. When your body is in harmony with your surroundings, you can focus on the practice. ¶…

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Why you have to let go?cat02

Everything your mind generates appears and disappears simultaneously. Thoughts, feelings and phenomena appear and disappear simultaneously. Consider the sound that occurs as…

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