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Karma of Fearcat04

In Buddhism, there is the teaching of karma. It is often explained like the financial system - if you take from someone, you have to pay back. If you have given to someone in the past, then he or she will pay you back. Such understanding of karma is based on fear and greed. On one hand if life demands a lot from you, then you call that a bad or heavy karma; if situation and people tend to accommodate or favor you, then…

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Event: east meets west spirutual dialoguecat02

Monday, November 8, 2010 Speakers: Master Miao Tsan and J. Pittmon McGehee Rception: 5:30Pm Program Begins: 6:15PM Book Signing: 7:15PM Place:…

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Projection Makes Perceptioncat04

The world we see merely reflects our own internal frame of reference-the dominant ideas, wishes and emotions in our minds. "Projection makes perception". We look inside first, decide the kind of world we want to see and then project that world outside, making it the truth as we see it. ¶ A Course in Miracles ¶   How can we practice this? Always challenge our perception and remember, "It does not have…

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How Does the Pain Come Fromcat02

I am occasionally asked about the nature of pain. Pain does not only occur when you are miserable, it can happen when you feel happy and energetic. Actually, the question about pain has…

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Change Thoughts, Change Lifecat02

A sounding wisdom from Master Miao Tsan that will change your life - "We all judge our experiences through the filter of habitual thinking. In other words, we are unconsciously driven by how we think, and how we think determines the feelings and opinions we…

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