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Row Row Row Your Boat (zen version)cat05

Row, row, row your boat, Swiftly up the stream. Warily, warily, warily, warily, Life is just a dream.   WAKE UP!!!

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Our True Self-Worthcat04

Once I was told that my 401K can be down as much as 30% and I should do a re-allocation. As I stare at the numbers on my most recent statement, it seems all the numbers are quite arbitrary. As far as I know, my 401K down by 30% has not affected my life at all - at least in this moment. The only impact it had on me is creating some questions and concerns in my mind. So who decides the worth of my retirement account anyways?…

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Radiant Beingscat04

We are pure Light, that is our true nature. We are radiant beings because this inner Light shines through everything we see, hear, and do. To radiate and expand is our nature. This Light is neutral by itself but always takes on the coloration of our thoughts. Complaint is an energy field. To complain about something or to hear complaint are both choices we made because we have created an energy field of darkness and violence. When…

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Gains and Lossescat04

Don't see a situation in terms of gains and losses, instead realize it is only reflecting what you have created. Nothing is ever given, nothing is ever taken away.

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Look Withincat02

No event in any external situation can affect your negatively unless you allow it to. Situations bother you because you generate restless thoughts based on habitual patterns.…

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