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Problem? Whom to Blame?cat02

When problem encountered, the first reaction we have is "all his/her fault". And that we act like we are the victim of the event. Sounds familiar? I am too who went through the same pattern in my entire life until learned Zen's teaching from Master…

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Missed by a hair-width, separated like Heaven and Earthcat04

One day Master asked the abbot, "How you understand the saying 'Missed by a hair-width, separated like Heaven and Earth'?" The abbot said, "Missed by a hair-width, separated like Heaven and Earth." Master: "How can you attain enlightenment with this kind of understanding?" Abbot: "Then how do you Master understand it?" Master: "Missed by a hair-width, separated like Heaven and Earth." Abbot makes a bow. ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶…

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Wisdom of Master: How to Reach the Other Shore?cat02

When we define the truth, we are losing the truth. Put down all the definition. Without any definition,we reach the other shore. In every single moment, the truth is there, but our definition pushes the truth away. It is unnecessary to put any definition. Reality is…

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Not to die to the lifeless selfcat03

Not to die to the lifeless self, then the immortal nature cannot come alive; Not quite alive to the immortal, then one has not quite died to the lifeless; To live with what is alive and to die to what is dead is only half correct, To die to the living so the dead…

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I am who I am?cat02

People often say, "I am who I am" but most people don't know their true self. It is more accurate to say that it is you who make yourself this way, instead of saying this way is who you are. Ultimately you are not just…

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