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Life Can Be Truly Grandcat04

"We are sole cultivators of our own lives, so only by withdrawing from the proliferation of all the homeless, wandering thoughts can we master our own lives. It has been said: 'Life's trials and tribulations are many, created by oneself and experienced…

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Six Senses

The six senses are the karma of our human existence. The perceptions they generate are directed by our attachments; therefore, we separate our physical body and six senses from the totality of reality. Once you…

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Right Understanding

Nothing beyond your mind. With the right understanding and introspection, you can determine whether your thoughts and emotions are harmful. You will realize whether your approach has been in error. When the right understanding prevails throughout your life, you will gradually move toward a state of peace. And you will experience lasting happiness and joy. ¶ by Zen Master Miao Tsan

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Why do we generate so many emotions? The reality is simple, but emotions are complex. If we maintain calmness of mind, we will more clearly see what should be done. Then we can move in the right direction. ¶…

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