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Four Reliance: Part I - Rely on the Teaching, not the Personcat04

This morning I had the idea of writing about the Four Reliance, inspired by a friend who recently broke with his spiritual group. I have seen this happened often enough that I wondered what went wrong? I guess the Buddha had foreseen the confusion that future practitioners will be facing and therefore taught the Four Reliance in order to help us all stay on the right path. The Four Reliance are: Rely on the…

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Change Thoughts

Think about your own state of mind. Can you change a worried thought to a happy thought? Only if your mind is perfectly empty. If your mind is not empty, it still has ego. With…

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winter tea drinkcat01

  In the cold winter, a cup of nice herbal tea always make you feel great. This is a simple winter tea recipe which is warm, cleansing and without caffeine. Hope you will like it. Receipe: Dried Chrysanthemum: 3-5 pieces Dried jujube: 5 pieces…

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Realize The Mind Through The Form

No matter what we are doing or thinking right now, the only thing we should do is to manifest the reality based on the purity of our mind. This means that we do everything to match the purity of our mind and to…

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East Meets West Dialoguecat02

On Monday evening, November 8th, Master Miao Tsan and Pittman McGehee spoke to over 400 attendees at Rice University's Boniuk Center for the Study and Advancement of Religious…

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