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Calmness and Wisdomcat02

Student: Does calmness make things clearer? Master:  Yes. With calmness in mind, you will be able to have more powers to generate right thoughts  to handle the reality.  Different status in mind creates different level of calmness in mind.  you treat people  differently which leads to a different result.  This is what I mean to elevate calmness and to elevate your wisdom.  After…

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What is Zen?cat02

  Student: Master, What is Zen? Master: Do you know where the wind comes from? If you know that means you are awakened. If you do not know,  try the south…

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Ready To Face Yourself?cat02

Facing yourself requires great courage as it is a painful process. But in order to free ourselves from endless suffering, that's the way to go. Here, Zen Master Miao Tsan tells us why we need to do it and how to achieve it. "In life, man has already…

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How To Create Good Energy?cat02

Student: How to create good energy? Master: Energy is like a shadow.  You don't need to create the shadow.  Shadow is…

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Seeking a Complete, Fulfilling Life?cat02

The new book, just use this mind, written by Zen Master Miao Tsan (Jian Liao) can guide you to the right path. "To move from this chaos toward freedom, the first thing we have to do is correct how we think and get rid of our attachment to our old, erroneous…

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