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How To Deal With Difficult Relationship?

It is necessary to open your mind in order to understand phenomena and your purpose in life. The Mind is formless, but it can manifest phenomena. A different state of mind will create different phenomena. So,…

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Event: east meets west spirutual dialoguecat02

Monday, November 8, 2010 Speakers: Master Miao Tsan and J. Pittmon McGehee Rception: 5:30Pm Program Begins: 6:15PM Book Signing: 7:15PM Place:…

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The Intangiblecat04

One day a Zen master asked a junior monk, "Can you grasp the intangible?" Monk replied, "Yes." "How?" The junior monk then waved his hands in the air with a grasping gesture. The Master told him,"You don't know how." Monk asked, "Well, how do you do it then?" The Zen master grasped the monk's nose and squeeze it hard. In pain the monk cried out, "Let it go, that hurts!" Master said, "That's how you grasp the intangible."

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Purify Your Mind

People tend to assume that spirituality and the mundane life are separate, but this is not so. Spirituality and the mundane are of one mind. We use the same mind whether we engage in spiritual…

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True Respectcat04

The true respect is the respect that is really generated due to your respect to the truth of the universe. Once you have the understanding of the universal truth you will understand the respect should be generated sincerely from your heart and should extended to everyone. arrogance…

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