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Thinking About the Spiritual Practice?cat02

Should I or shouldn't I? Some friends of mine are asking me about it. My 2cents is that if it will improve your life quality and/or create positive reality, then go for it. On the same token, Master's teaching in the book did provide a guidance for all. "Most…

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Subconscious Levelcat02

Student:  What is the difference between conscious and subconscious? Master:  Every single moment we have brainwaves. …

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I am who I am?cat02

People often say, "I am who I am" but most people don't know their true self. It is more accurate to say that it is you who make yourself this way, instead of saying this way is who you are. Ultimately you are not just…

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Who is seeing, who is listening, who is talkingcat03

Who is seeing, who is listening, who is talking, Spring flower, spring breeze, the Spirit's beauty; Not blind, not deaf, nor speechless, No eye, no ears, yet wondrous in many ways.      

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Dewy Grasscat05

An eternity shrouded in darkness, fearless and unmoving Dawn breaks, rays of light cascade…

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