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Is this a habitual thought?

Just completed this morning Zen-Seven Retreat at the monastery and over lunch, a few fellow practitioners and I came up with a question: "How do you know if a thought is a habitual thought or a wondering thought instead of a pure thought?" Our answer is: "You must know from where the thought arise. If you do, then it is a pure thought. If you don't, then it is habitual thought." What is your answer?

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How Does the Mind Work?cat02

Student: How does the mind work? Master: Every single person possesses a formless mind.  In our formless mind, we have a system or pattern…

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How to Find Happiness?cat02

Everyone is looking for happiness. But do we really know what is happiness and/or how to find it? The new book, just use this mind, written by Zen Master Miao Tsan has a sounding explanation for it. "The most important issue today is the over-emphasis of materi­alistic pursuits. The thought that brings…

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Karma is created by each thought the mind generates, If you focus on the right practice, your karma can be changed. When your body is in harmony with your surroundings, you can focus on the practice. ¶…

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Student: Is intention very important? Master:  Yes, it is very important. Our intention is like the doors of our mind.…

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