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Cause and Effectcat04

Problems do not exist before you think, they appear afterward. If this moment is truly honored as it is - you will see that all is well. The moment you give the tiniest room for thinking, problems will come back. So you say if I don't think about a problem, how can I solve it? Solutions do not come from thinking, in fact, it appears when you naturally respond to a situation as it presents itself. Is thinking useful at all…

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Stay Low in the Boatcat05

The Mind is like water that can either give a ship buoyancy or sink it. When we have the ability to generate the thoughts we desire, we are able to bring forth the life we want. When we lack mastery over our mind, we become the victim of our own mind functioning.…

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Karma is created by each thought the mind generates, If you focus on the right practice, your karma can be changed. When your body is in harmony with your surroundings, you can focus on the practice. ¶…

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The vast sky touches not the earthcat03

The vast sky touches not the earth, The bright moon illuminates the road Home, Green are the mountains, white are the reeds â€" Thou shall see the Collective for thyself.        

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Wandering Thoughtscat02

Student:  How do I deal with wandering thoughts during the meditation? Master:  When we are practicing…

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