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Let sky be the sky Let water be the water Let body be the body Let thought be the thought Let heat be the heat Let cold be the cold What's left? Nothing but the awareness…

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Light of Innate Naturecat03

The Light of Innate Nature, rarely recognized in life, Pervades all the corners of the Ocean and the edges of Heaven; It has fallen to the fetters of scattered phenomena, Have compassion for the unconsciously imprisoned.      

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The "I" represents the ego. The ego is the beginning of duality. And duality means separating inside and outside, self and others. So, dualistic thinking indicates the presence of ego. No matter how you try to…

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How can we let go?cat02

The mind is formless, but we allow it to become occupied by habitual thought patterns. So, how can we let go? I will show you. If I hold an apple in my hand but reach for…

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When you are feeling down, it is your magnificent true Self that accepts the mood, just like a wealthy person temporarily feeling poor. We are free by nature but we choose to accept thoughts that limit us. In this moment, you are limiting yourself in certain ways through some ideas that you hold near and dear to your heart. You forget that there is a different choice. Let us practice remembering this fact again and again…

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