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Sleepy in Meditationcat02

Student: When I practice meditation after work, I am very tired.  Sometimes it is too hard.  What should I do? Master:…

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If truth is on the other shore of the river, how do we reach it? To realize the truth, you must see every single thought that arises in your mind for what it…

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Eventually we must clean up every opinion and every like and dislike in us. They will all become junk. All junks are self created like the piles of stuff in our garage. Remember, we are the ones who brought them home.

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Inner Peace

People say we should have peace in this world, but are their minds at peace? If there is no peace in your mind, how can you create a peaceful family? Only a person who has a peaceful…

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Wandering Thoughtscat02

Student:  How do I deal with wandering thoughts during the meditation? Master:  When we are practicing…

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