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What can you count on?cat04

When life brings challenges, what can you count on for support? Can you get relief from a good book, some sight-seeing, or visit a park? Do you need to "talk it out" or "numb it out"? Can some food or music do the trick or maybe a pill or two? Perhaps a massage too. Maybe what you need is really just one good thought - you need to think it through and make sense of it. Maybe your religion or personal philosophy of life…

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Endless Sequelscat04

I haven't seen a movie in awhile but lately movies that have been coming out seem to be part of a series. Even movies that are already in a series have individual…

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We can be both sick with worry and worried sick. If we're feeling bad, we often find ourselves panicking, looking around at diets, programs, exercise devices and other fads, trying to stave off ill health. When we get into this kind of panic, e are focusing all our…

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The Better The Mind Is, The Better The Phenomena Will Be

We tend to think, "I make decisions based on my concepts and intentions." This is not true. The decisions are already present in your mind as concepts and beliefs. Unless the basis of your decision in your mind…

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Event: east meets west spirutual dialoguecat02

Monday, November 8, 2010 Speakers: Master Miao Tsan and J. Pittmon McGehee Rception: 5:30Pm Program Begins: 6:15PM Book Signing: 7:15PM Place:…

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