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We all want our lives to be free of difficulties. As always, however, the Mind is the source of life. For example, how should you respond when people are shouting at you? Do you stand up for yourself and shout…

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Realize The Mind Through The Form

No matter what we are doing or thinking right now, the only thing we should do is to manifest the reality based on the purity of our mind. This means that we do everything to match the purity of our mind and to…

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I was sick last week, very sick. At that time I do have the chance really spend some quality time with Master Miao Tsan's book. When I read " Physical body is the reflection…

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You Create What You Have

A thought appears and disappears in an instant, as is true of everything. If you think everything is good right now, it is because everything is good at this moment. However, with each new moment you must continue to generate good thoughts. A better life begins…

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Cover the Eyescat04

One day, a monk noticed that Zen Master Yao-shan was reading the sutra. "Master, you normally don't allow us to read sutra. Why are you reading sutra yourself?" The monk asked. "Oh, I read only to cover my eyes." "So can I do that too?" The monk asked. Master Yao-shan said to the monk: "For you, you must see through cowhides."

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