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Karma and Icat02

Student: What is karma? Master:  Karma is the manifestation of your mind. When your mind manifests the reality or the truth, the reality…

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Must see, 18 Arhat Arrived in Monasterycat02

18 Arhat statues from China are arrived in theVairocana Zen Monastery. Some of them are in the Zen garden. Some are around the Monastery. Their facial expression and posture make them like real. It's just incredible. Pictures can be viewed from the link,

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How To Deal With Difficult Relationship?

It is necessary to open your mind in order to understand phenomena and your purpose in life. The Mind is formless, but it can manifest phenomena. A different state of mind will create different phenomena. So,…

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The Gift of Lifecat04

Taking a walk in the early morning, I noticed the morning dew on the grass. Each blade of grass gets its own drops; every leaf has its time in the sun. Every plant can only be where it stands - take in what is given and grow from that, nothing else. It is ludicrous to worry about not having enough or wonder what if it is somewhere else. "This" is the gift of life - or perhaps the curse of life, the karma, the reality -…

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A Master's Blessingcat02

Once a Zen master was invited to bless a grandfather's birthday celebration. The Master wrote, "Grandfather dies, father dies; son dies, grandson dies." The grandfather was very upset by this…

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