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University of Houston Lecturescat02

Today at the University of Houston, Master Miao Tsan spoke to students in three classes of the Wolff Center for Entrepreneurship about opening a window of wisdom for young minds. Carlos Ortega, Assistant professor and Bill Sherril, Profesor and founder of the…

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The reason to let gocat02

A student asked me, "Master, how can I let go of my attachments? If I let go, what will be left?" Consider the moon and the star. They continue to light the sky as you sleep.…

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winter tea drinkcat01

  In the cold winter, a cup of nice herbal tea always make you feel great. This is a simple winter tea recipe which is warm, cleansing and without caffeine. Hope you will like it. Receipe: Dried Chrysanthemum: 3-5 pieces Dried jujube: 5 pieces…

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We Create Our Own Realitycat02

"We have self-attachment which we attach to our perceptions in mind. Whenever we encounter the reality in every single moment, based on our perceptions, we define the reality.  That…

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Meet Larry Paynecat05

When you pick up a book, it seems to have a power that goes beyond the passivity of ink on paper. It emanates energy, beckoning you to read, promising entertainment, education or enlightenment. Much like a prayer shawl that holds the intention of the creator, a…

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