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What is your next thought?cat04

Do you know what it will be? Is it your decision? Don't try to answer this mentally. Let's just experiment now½ Keep your mind very steady and free of all concerns and wait for the next idea/thought to pop in. ½½ ½½ What thought came in? Clearly you did not consciously think it since you just wait for it. So where did this thought come from? If not you, then who?

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Keep Opening the Wrong Door?cat02

The new book, just use this mind, written by Zen Master Miao Tsan (Jian Liao) has the answer for you. "Every stressful experience in our lives emerges from a mental door that we unconsciously but repeatedly open. Our habitual thinking opens mental doors -- modes of…

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Not to die to the lifeless selfcat03

Not to die to the lifeless self, then the immortal nature cannot come alive; Not quite alive to the immortal, then one has not quite died to the lifeless; To live with what is alive and to die to what is dead is only half correct, To die to the living so the dead…

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Wisdom of Master: How to Reach the Other Shore?cat02

When we define the truth, we are losing the truth. Put down all the definition. Without any definition,we reach the other shore. In every single moment, the truth is there, but our definition pushes the truth away. It is unnecessary to put any definition. Reality is…

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Wisdom Within You

Just as intellectual discussion about food cannot satisfy hunger, wisdom cannot come from outside oneself. When we blame someone or something for a problem, we are trying to separate ourselves from our karma.…

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