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Is this a habitual thought?

Just completed this morning Zen-Seven Retreat at the monastery and over lunch, a few fellow practitioners and I came up with a question: "How do you know if a thought is a habitual thought or a wondering thought instead of a pure thought?" Our answer is: "You must know from where the thought arise. If you do, then it is a pure thought. If you don't, then it is habitual thought." What is your answer?

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Purify Your Mind

People tend to assume that spirituality and the mundane life are separate, but this is not so. Spirituality and the mundane are of one mind. We use the same mind whether we engage in spiritual…

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Dettach From Phenomena

We have many issues in our lives. It is fair to say that every person has his or her own challenge. Each of us has built a wall, so it is our personal task to knock it down. This is a challenge, but…

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Simple Solutions for Parentscat05

A simple answer to a hard age-old question and a good introduction to Zen for children

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How To Deal With Difficult Relationship?

It is necessary to open your mind in order to understand phenomena and your purpose in life. The Mind is formless, but it can manifest phenomena. A different state of mind will create different phenomena. So,…

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