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winter tea drinkcat01

  In the cold winter, a cup of nice herbal tea always make you feel great. This is a simple winter tea recipe which is warm, cleansing and without caffeine. Hope you will like it. Receipe: Dried Chrysanthemum: 3-5 pieces Dried jujube: 5 pieces…

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Believe Nothingcat04

The Buddha once said: Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your…

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Have or Have Notcat04

One day a lay practitioner came to visit a Zen master and asked him, "Do heaven and hell exist?" "Yes" "How about the Buddha, the teaching, and the monastic community, do they exist?" "Yes" He went on to ask many similar questions, and the master always answered with "Yes". Puzzled, the lay practitioners said, "Master, I am afraid you are wrong." "Have you met an enlightened teacher?" "Yes, I met master Jingshan." "What…

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Buddha in the Mirrorcat04

"Approximately thirteen hundred years ago, in the Tang Dynasty, a practitioner called Mazu Daoyi meditated each day, trying to attain enlightenment. His teacher, the enlightened Master Nan- Yue Hui- Rang, recognized Mazu's capacity as a dharma vessel and therefore wanted to help him achieve a breakthrough by pointing out instructions.…

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When you look at a flower, you may think it is either pretty or ugly, but the flower remains the flower. The reality of the flower is not affected by your perception and judgment. When you close your eyes, the…

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