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Believe Nothingcat04

The Buddha once said: Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your…

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Open the Mind, Open the Realmcat02

  Student: Master, you mentioned about opening your mind in order to open the realm.  How do we open our mind?" Master: The understanding…

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Real Practicecat02

Student: Master, how to apply "nothing beyond the mind" in our daily life? Master: When we see something, we see the function…

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Express Yourself!cat05

We're in the process of editing the Master's next book, The Origin Is Pure, in English. It's a fascinating process; every time I work on it, I learn something new about the Master's teaching--which I would expect--and the editorial process also gives me new understanding--which is like bonus enlightenment.…

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Rely on Wisdom, not Discriminationcat04

Instead of using my discriminating mind to explain this teaching, it is far more interesting present a Zen koan that helps us see the meaning of wisdom and discrimination. One day a monk came to visit a Zen master. He asked, "Master, what is the mysterious way of the Buddha?" "Please don't say that I understand Buddha dharma." The master replied. "But what if I have questions?" "Why don't you ask me?" "I just did!" The…

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