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Four Star Daycat05

Encounters with certain people, for example, may tend to trigger confrontational interactions. While we can easily justify our dislike of another person, the real question worth asking is why does this person manifest in our reality in…

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Confused by Reasoncat04

There is a not so fine line between rational thinking and rationalization. Today you find few truly rational people who apply the power of reason and logic to seek the right course of action in life. Instead, most people abuse the gift of reason to justify their unconscious desire. Those who abuse reason almost always see themselves as rational, having little doubt in the validity of their conclusions - which is actually…

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True Respectcat04

The true respect is the respect that is really generated due to your respect to the truth of the universe. Once you have the understanding of the universal truth you will understand the respect should be generated sincerely from your heart and should extended to everyone. arrogance…

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Who is seeing, who is listening, who is talkingcat03

Who is seeing, who is listening, who is talking, Spring flower, spring breeze, the Spirit's beauty; Not blind, not deaf, nor speechless, No eye, no ears, yet wondrous in many ways.      

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Flexible Mind

The mind frame of a child is not yet mature, so we must nurture it and guide it. In the grand universe, we humans are still children, needing to find our way. We should not cling too tightly to what we believe. The…

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