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Right Understandingcat02

What is right understanding? The right understanding is the realization that when you change and elevate your mind, everything in your environment changes. You will surely move in the right…

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Looking for a Better you?cat02

Do you want to improve yourself? Yes. Then we need to realize the meaning of impermanence--every single moment is changing. The thought is changing; our physical body is changing; the environment is changing. People have fears that they are going to lose…

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Zen Musiccat05

Hello, everyone. I have just returned from a brief visit to Vairocana Zen Monastery and my friend, Venerable Master Miao Tsan. Like each visit…

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Looking Forwardcat05

Happy New Year! A new year is like a new chapter in life. It marks a time to reflect and abandon old habits, and start anew. People always seem to have this mentality: "I am looking forward…

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You Create What You Have

A thought appears and disappears in an instant, as is true of everything. If you think everything is good right now, it is because everything is good at this moment. However, with each new moment you must continue to generate good thoughts. A better life begins…

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