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How Fine To Sit on the Golden Purple Lotuscat04

"The famed poet Su Dong Po, of the Sung dynasty, composed the following verse to express his attainment: 'Prostrate to the heaven among the heavens, light of a single hair strand illuminates the universe. Imperturbable by the worldly winds, seated firmly upon the golden purple lotus.'…

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Think Againcat02

If you feel uncomfortable with someone in the course of your daily life, check within yourself immediately, because a negative thought pattern is active at that moment. Identify the pattern and then let it go.…

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Wild Horses on My Mat

From Dandasana, Staff Pose, I bring the sole of my right foot to the floor on the outside of the left thigh. The muscles in my hip call to me tentatively, asking if they can trust and relax or if they need to clench in fear of what I might ask them to do next. I bend my left knee, tucking my left foot near my right buttock. Breathing in, I bring my left arm up near my left ear. My hips are quieter now; I have given…

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Looking Forwardcat05

Happy New Year! A new year is like a new chapter in life. It marks a time to reflect and abandon old habits, and start anew. People always seem to have this mentality: "I am looking forward…

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There is No Icat05

As a followup to the "Real I" post a couple days a go, I've been trying to figure out how to put it into practice in daily life. To understand in theory…

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