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The Key To Learning

As our human minds continuously and unconsciously give rise to mind functioning, certain patterns emerge. These patterns channel our thinking in a particular, fixed direction. Every stressful experience in our lives emerges…

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Set Yourself Freecat02

Who or what ties you down? Only your attachments do. No one else forces you to feel the way you have. Only your habitual thought pattern does. We present ourselves through our habitual thought patterns. The thoughts and actions of all our moments arise from those habitual thought patterns. So, in order to be free you must get rid of your prejudicial, fixed thought patterns. ~ by Zen Master Miao Tsan

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Radiant Beingscat04

We are pure Light, that is our true nature. We are radiant beings because this inner Light shines through everything we see, hear, and do. To radiate and expand is our nature. This Light is neutral by itself but always takes on the coloration of our thoughts. Complaint is an energy field. To complain about something or to hear complaint are both choices we made because we have created an energy field of darkness and violence. When…

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Way to the Truthcat02

Remember that the truth cannot be perceived through habitual thinking. The truth exists for all time and in all realms. You will not find it by floundering on the sea of worry and confusion.…

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What Is Zen?cat02

From East to West, Zen has been a sizzling topic. Depends on individual background, different people have different understanding of what Zen is. With a right understanding to begin with is very critical to avoid wasting time and effort. What is Zen actually?…

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