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Emptiness speaks, resounding far and widecat03

Emptiness speaks, resounding far and wide, Traceless and unseen, manifesting myriad existences; Maitreya's arising like a rootless tree, Lotus step each leading the way to Realization.    

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Turn the Cornercat02

Every person has habitual thought patterns. As ordinary individuals, we are attached to the patterns we have created. However, spiritual sages remain free of such hindrances. when a…

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How To Deal With Difficult Relationship?

It is necessary to open your mind in order to understand phenomena and your purpose in life. The Mind is formless, but it can manifest phenomena. A different state of mind will create different phenomena. So,…

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Flexible Mind

The mind frame of a child is not yet mature, so we must nurture it and guide it. In the grand universe, we humans are still children, needing to find our way. We should not cling too tightly to what we believe. The…

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Row Row Row Your Boat (zen version)cat05

Row, row, row your boat, Swiftly up the stream. Warily, warily, warily, warily, Life is just a dream.   WAKE UP!!!

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