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Change Thoughts, Change Lifecat02

A sounding wisdom from Master Miao Tsan that will change your life - "We all judge our experiences through the filter of habitual thinking. In other words, we are unconsciously driven by how we think, and how we think determines the feelings and opinions we…

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Confused by Reasoncat04

There is a not so fine line between rational thinking and rationalization. Today you find few truly rational people who apply the power of reason and logic to seek the right course of action in life. Instead, most people abuse the gift of reason to justify their unconscious desire. Those who abuse reason almost always see themselves as rational, having little doubt in the validity of their conclusions - which is actually…

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Purify Your Mindcat02

Student: Master, how do we deal with wandering thoughts in our practice? Master: Consider this example: The room we are…

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Not to die to the lifeless selfcat03

Not to die to the lifeless self, then the immortal nature cannot come alive; Not quite alive to the immortal, then one has not quite died to the lifeless; To live with what is alive and to die to what is dead is only half correct, To die to the living so the dead…

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Very Difficult and Very Easycat05

Abbot's Words of Wisdom: Zen practice is very difficult, but also very easy. If you always look at others it is very difficult, if you always…

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