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OK if I'm Not a Buddhist?cat05

While the truth is formless like the Void, it can express its existence in any form. Therefore, truth does not have to be Christian--or specifically Catholic or Protestant--nor does it have to be Islamic or Buddhist. Truth does not have to be Theraveda, Mahayana or Vajrayana Buddhism. Truth is simply the truth, and…

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Set Your Directioncat02

We create our own reality. Your reality is the world you mind has created. Every person possesses a mind. The Mind is formless but can generate…

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How Does the Mind Work?cat02

Student: How does the mind work? Master: Every single person possesses a formless mind.  In our formless mind, we have a system or pattern…

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Radiant Beingscat04

We are pure Light, that is our true nature. We are radiant beings because this inner Light shines through everything we see, hear, and do. To radiate and expand is our nature. This Light is neutral by itself but always takes on the coloration of our thoughts. Complaint is an energy field. To complain about something or to hear complaint are both choices we made because we have created an energy field of darkness and violence. When…

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Thinking About the Spiritual Practice?cat02

Should I or shouldn't I? Some friends of mine are asking me about it. My 2cents is that if it will improve your life quality and/or create positive reality, then go for it. On the same token, Master's teaching in the book did provide a guidance for all. "Most…

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