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Are you free?cat04

Stop what you are doing now. Do not find substitute; do not plan to do it later. Don't let anything occupy your mind now. Are you free?

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True Selfcat02

Your true self is the Mind, which is formless. Your true self exists behind your physical form. It exists behind your personality and ideas. It exists everywhere and can manifest all energy forms.…

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Light of Innate Naturecat03

The Light of Innate Nature, rarely recognized in life, Pervades all the corners of the Ocean and the edges of Heaven; It has fallen to the fetters of scattered phenomena, Have compassion for the unconsciously imprisoned.      

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The "I" represents the ego. The ego is the beginning of duality. And duality means separating inside and outside, self and others. So, dualistic thinking indicates the presence of ego. No matter how you try to…

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Present Momentcat02

When we are uplifted, we do not deliberately change anything . After all, nothing is carried into this moment. Instead, we use the mind to generate a better function. If, in this moment, you can generate a smiling thought instead of a crying thought, you are actively uplifting yourself. So, each moment is one of liberation in which you are set free. It is not that you are changing a negative karma to a positive…

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