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Why Enlightenment Is Important?cat02

Like it or not, we have been trapped in the limited view of our own habit­ual thinking patterns. We have been away from our true self for so so long. Don't you want to be free from chaos? Don't you want to be liberated for a better and happier life? Think deeply..…

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Let sky be the sky Let water be the water Let body be the body Let thought be the thought Let heat be the heat Let cold be the cold What's left? Nothing but the awareness…

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University of Houston Lecturescat02

Today at the University of Houston, Master Miao Tsan spoke to students in three classes of the Wolff Center for Entrepreneurship about opening a window of wisdom for young minds. Carlos Ortega, Assistant professor and Bill Sherril, Profesor and founder of the…

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Negative thoughts

Negative thoughts, big or small, have a huge impact on your mind. A mind that is flooded with negative thoughts is absorbed by selfishness. You must stop the flow of negative thoughts. You can do it through introspection…

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Identification with 'things'cat04

Life is filled with 'things', both material and otherwise. There are relationships and feelings. There is the summer heat on your face, and the hunger for food, success, and recognition that drives you to eat, to work, to play and to rest. Then there are those ideas in your head. Every moment you are bombarded with 'things' - you see them, hear them, feel them, or think about them. But in the midst of them all, do you know…

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