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How to smooth out a tough relationship?cat02

  In life, we all run into situation that is hard to deal with.  Screaming or Pulling our hairs won't do any good.  Should we accept it as is and move on?  Or there is a better…

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Promotion of New Book: just use this mindcat02

The new book, "just use this mind", written by Rev. Master Miao Tsan (Jian Liao) will be available in October 2010. Starting from August, 2010, due to the popular demand, major key notes of the new book will be posted in the blog. You are very welcome to…

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The Key To Learning

As our human minds continuously and unconsciously give rise to mind functioning, certain patterns emerge. These patterns channel our thinking in a particular, fixed direction. Every stressful experience in our lives emerges…

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Overlapping Onenesscat02

Student: When a person creates phenomenon, people around the person also create phenomenon, right?  Can phenomenon created by other people related to…

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Eventually we must clean up every opinion and every like and dislike in us. They will all become junk. All junks are self created like the piles of stuff in our garage. Remember, we are the ones who brought them home.

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