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The vast sky touches not the earthcat03

The vast sky touches not the earth, The bright moon illuminates the road Home, Green are the mountains, white are the reeds â€" Thou shall see the Collective for thyself.        

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The world, which includes our bodies, thought, feelings, perceptions, relationships, and physical environments, is the simultaneously appearing and vanishing display of the formless, boundless…

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How Fine To Sit on the Golden Purple Lotuscat04

"The famed poet Su Dong Po, of the Sung dynasty, composed the following verse to express his attainment: 'Prostrate to the heaven among the heavens, light of a single hair strand illuminates the universe. Imperturbable by the worldly winds, seated firmly upon the golden purple lotus.'…

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Become Better or Worse, Your Choicecat02

Our thoughts change constantly. Our physical body changes constantly. The entire world changes constantly. This is all part of what we call impermanence. And impermanence…

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What Is Real?cat02

Student: What is real? Master: The moment you achieve enlightenment, you will realize it.  Before you achieve enlightenment, nothing is real. …

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