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Amusing Samsaracat03

Turn over the bed in the monk's quarters, Puncture the fantasy, the stars in the eyes; Amusing samsara in his palm, Golden Ox dances away.        

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To the True Selfcat03

No trespassing, This place cannot be known to man; No recognition of appearances, Do not complain for the lack of courtesy. Here is the Joyful Dwelling of the True Self.      

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Essence Of All Existence

You are more than the sum of your thoughts and emotions. You have potential for unlimited creation and growth, but you must employ the right tools of the mind. Each drop of water contains the taste of all water; every moment…

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Who is seeing, who is listening, who is talkingcat03

Who is seeing, who is listening, who is talking, Spring flower, spring breeze, the Spirit's beauty; Not blind, not deaf, nor speechless, No eye, no ears, yet wondrous in many ways.      

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How Fine To Sit on the Golden Purple Lotuscat04

"The famed poet Su Dong Po, of the Sung dynasty, composed the following verse to express his attainment: 'Prostrate to the heaven among the heavens, light of a single hair strand illuminates the universe. Imperturbable by the worldly winds, seated firmly upon the golden purple lotus.'…

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