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Believe Nothingcat04

The Buddha once said: Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your…

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Dettach From Phenomena

We have many issues in our lives. It is fair to say that every person has his or her own challenge. Each of us has built a wall, so it is our personal task to knock it down. This is a challenge, but…

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Motivation is far more powerful than ideas - ideas come and go but motivation is always there, 24/7, yet often hidden from your awareness.cat04

What you think, what you do, and what you say are secondary - yes, they are important, but not as much as the motivation behind them. If you are not aware of that motivation, then you don't know where your thinking and behavior will lead you, and you certainly won't know what you will get. So what really motivates you today?  

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When you look at a flower, you may think it is either pretty or ugly, but the flower remains the flower. The reality of the flower is not affected by your perception and judgment. When you close your eyes, the…

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