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The reason to let gocat02

A student asked me, "Master, how can I let go of my attachments? If I let go, what will be left?" Consider the moon and the star. They continue to light the sky as you sleep.…

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Dong-Po's poem went eastward of the rivercat03

Dong-Po's poem went eastward of the river, Li Bai drank to the spirit in the Moon; Kicking over Men in front of the Huang-He Pagoda, Foot ache has remained to this very day.      

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Ho Ho Ho, Just Use This Mindcat02

While we approach the end of 2010, many thanks to you all who visit the site/blog and/or provide valuable comments/suggestions. We value and enjoy your visits. Please join us again the coming new year. We would like to share a Zen story taught…

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We do not deliberately change anything when we are uplifted. We use the mind to generate a better function. If, in the moment, you can generate a smiling thought instead of a crying thought, you are actively…

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What do you believe?cat04

Try to remember something you believed so strongly that your life was completely driven by it -  you thought you will never change or go away from it - and yet today you no longer believe it. It could be an accomplishment, a relationship, a religious or philosophical faith or conviction. Whatever it was, it is a belief. Do you remember having such belief? If you do, then compare that to anything you believe today. Are you…

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