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Looking for a Better you?cat02

Do you want to improve yourself? Yes. Then we need to realize the meaning of impermanence--every single moment is changing. The thought is changing; our physical body is changing; the environment is changing. People have fears that they are going to lose…

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True Liberationcat02

True liberation occurs from within.  It is intrinsic to you. It is already in your mind. Your mind has no form, but in your mind you can find true liberation. Some might believe it is necessary to go to a distant mountain or other place for the sake of liberation. However, it has nothing to do with a place outside of us. Remember that the journey – the quest – is toward liberation from our attachments. ~…

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How To Create Good Energy?cat02

Student: How to create good energy? Master: Energy is like a shadow.  You don't need to create the shadow.  Shadow is…

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New book coming soon: "just use this mind"cat02

Great news... The new English book, "just use this mind", written by Rev. Master Miao Tsan (Jian Liao) will be available in October 2010. You may pre-order it from Amazon now

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Gate Keepercat04

Every difficult situation always leads you to a single thought that you cannot go beyond. "I can't do this." "There is not enough time." "He is so controlling." "I have to ....." " I can't..... " "I should..... shouldn't......" "It's impossible to ...." "I don't care....." "Why can't he understand?" "People are just lazy.".... Whatever the thought is, it is like a gate keeper. No matter what you try, you will always come…

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