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Amusing Samsaracat03

Turn over the bed in the monk's quarters, Puncture the fantasy, the stars in the eyes; Amusing samsara in his palm, Golden Ox dances away.        

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You should notice your negative thoughts at the point of origin before they become negative emotions. When the negative emotion develops into an obsession, it will be very difficult for you to turn…

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Koan: A String of White Pearlscat04

Master Dao Qian was the attendant of the abbot, Master Shi Shuang. After Master Shi Shuang's passing, the community asked the head monk to accept abbotship. Master Dao Qian reminded the assembly, "He must have a grasp of the abbot's teaching before we can accept him." The head monk asked, "What is the teaching of the Abbot?" Dao Qian said, "The abbot used to say, Cease, begone! Rest, begone! Chill,…

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Seeking Immortality?cat02

If you ask a child what he/she likes to be when he/she grows up. The answer varies. If you ask Zen practitioners what they like to be. All answers point to the same one: become an enlighten being and reach immortality. How to reach it with a right understanding?…

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You are the Buddha!cat04

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="387" caption="Anacapa - Channel Island National Park"][/caption] Master Ling Shun visits Master Gue-Zhun and ask him: "What is the Buddha?" "If I tell you, would you believe it?" "How can I not trust master's words?" "You are the Buddha!" "How can I maintain this?" "Once…

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