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Believe Nothingcat04

The Buddha once said: Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your…

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Emptiness speaks, resounding far and widecat03

Emptiness speaks, resounding far and wide, Traceless and unseen, manifesting myriad existences; Maitreya's arising like a rootless tree, Lotus step each leading the way to Realization.    

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Reality is Realitycat02

Reality is reality. Reality is like your hands, which are yours alone. If your hands are rough, what can you do? You can not get rid of them. The same is…

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Karma of Fearcat04

In Buddhism, there is the teaching of karma. It is often explained like the financial system - if you take from someone, you have to pay back. If you have given to someone in the past, then he or she will pay you back. Such understanding of karma is based on fear and greed. On one hand if life demands a lot from you, then you call that a bad or heavy karma; if situation and people tend to accommodate or favor you, then…

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Trees Don't Suffercat05

You inevitably make your own suffering. No one can make you suffer. A little bit of erroneous thinking leads to a little bit of suffering. Too much thinking leads to too much suffering. When will it ever end? Perhaps when…

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