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Simple Solutions for Parentscat05

A simple answer to a hard age-old question and a good introduction to Zen for children

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Open the Mind, Open the Realmcat02

  Student: Master, you mentioned about opening your mind in order to open the realm.  How do we open our mind?" Master: The understanding…

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Change For The Better

The ancient masters said we should try to abide in impermanence. How is that possible? The answer is to keep creating a better future. Each moment is your creation, so the…

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The Night of Autumn

A white egret flies out of autumn reeds across misty water; A swallow returns to its dry nest

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Letting Go and Taking Up

Freedom from attachment is letting go; doing our best is the act of taking up, or engaging. In the journey of life, we must practice both letting go and taking up. Spiritual l growth is the process of opening…

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