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When you think someone or something is annoying, the truth is that "you" make him annoying and "you" make the situation an issue and suffer in it; the "annoying" person may not have any clue what's going…

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Why Are You Such a Pain?cat05

Encounters with certain people, for example, may tend to trigger confrontational interactions. While we can easily justify our dislike of another person, the real question worth asking is why does this person manifest in our reality in the first place? Why does his or her presence bring about such…

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Flexible Mind Leads to Realitycat02

Most of the time, we are occupied by our own judgment. We define the person we see and circumstances we encountered. We live in our own definition. Sad but true. Master Miao Tsan in his new book tells a Koan (story) to let us know why we are who we are and…

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Must see, 18 Arhat Arrived in Monasterycat02

18 Arhat statues from China are arrived in theVairocana Zen Monastery. Some of them are in the Zen garden. Some are around the Monastery. Their facial expression and posture make them like real. It's just incredible. Pictures can be viewed from the link,

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Image After Imagecat03

Move image, image moving, image after image arising, Water waves, waves on water, ripple after ripple born, Empty the mind, the mind of emptiness, Emptiness just is,…

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