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Hunger and satisfactioncat01

I read the wisdom of the week of this week  "Just as intellectual discussion about food cannot satisfy hunger, wisdom cannot come from outside oneself."  Hunger has been the driven factor for human being for a long time, and the basic level of surviving nutrition has been…

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The Answer Is In The Question?!!cat02

I was amazed when I heard the phrase long time ago. Today still is from Zen Master Miao Tsan's teaching... "There is a Zen saying that 'the answer is in the question.' The answer will present itself when there is a true understanding of the root of the question.…

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Seeking Immortality?cat02

If you ask a child what he/she likes to be when he/she grows up. The answer varies. If you ask Zen practitioners what they like to be. All answers point to the same one: become an enlighten being and reach immortality. How to reach it with a right understanding?…

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To keep a fresh mindcat04

Zen has the idea of the beginner's mind - a mind that is fresh and alive. Sometimes I wonder how you can practice beginner's mind when meditation is all about focusing on one thing only - it seems a very stagnant way of using the mind. One would at first think to practice beginner's mind is to keep it moving, keep everything "new". But actually the best way is just the opposite; it is only through repetitiveness that we…

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Turn the Cornercat02

Every person has habitual thought patterns. As ordinary individuals, we are attached to the patterns we have created. However, spiritual sages remain free of such hindrances. when a…

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