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Forever Youngcat01

Like many Americans of my generation, I always thought growing old was something other, more uptight, people did. I'm young at heart, and while I've collected more knowledge and have gained more respect for wisdom over the years, my world-view remains basically as optimistic and energetic as when…

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Promotion of New Book: just use this mindcat02

The new book, "just use this mind", written by Rev. Master Miao Tsan (Jian Liao) will be available in October 2010. Starting from August, 2010, due to the popular demand, major key notes of the new book will be posted in the blog. You are very welcome to…

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We can be both sick with worry and worried sick. If we're feeling bad, we often find ourselves panicking, looking around at diets, programs, exercise devices and other fads, trying to stave off ill health. When we get into this kind of panic, e are focusing all our…

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Going Around In Circles Forevercat05

  Does it sometimes feel as if you are just caught up in the same routine, endlessly repeating the same mundane actions over and over? Seeing the same sights? Doing the same things? Eating the same foods? Surrounded by the same…

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Judgments are not just negative thoughts; they are all the suffering you go through in life. Your resistance to people and situation is your judgment.

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